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Caerleon Bowls Club,

Cold Bath Lane,


NP18 1NF.

Tel: 01633 420487

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Welcome Guide, but Information for All

Welcome Guide



Here is the list of documents and process for all new members, which will be adapted according to the needs of the member.


For any new members


Meet and greet and get name and contact number


Assign a ‘buddy’ who will introduce them to the club/ a few members initially/ give out WP - We will have to ask for volunteers for buddies, they need to be the right people.


Buddy will introduce them to a coach who will take over on the green - will discuss this with coaches on club night


For established (mainly newer) members, coaches to offer coaching when free/coaching plan. - will be discussed at club night

Application Form (Blank copies available on notice board in Pavilion)

Constitution (Copy on notice board in Pavilion)

Other Useful Links

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